Rules and Regulations:
The ManvelMarket expects to be a Texas Department of Agriculture certified farmers’ market that will operate on the first Saturday of each month at Manvel City Hall at 20031 Morris Ave. Manvel, Texas 77578. Our goal is to support local agriculture, artisans, and students as well as benefit the community. The predominant product emphasis will be on locally produced agricultural products within Texas and employ and empower students for their different talents. The main goals of the market include:
A. Incubating new, small, food-based businesses
B. Providing a place for the community to gather
C. Harnessing students' talents by creating commissioned marketing materials, organizing fundraisers, and facilitating live performances. Promoting the benefits of buying and eating local
D. Strengthening the local economy by redirecting consumers’ food dollars to local grower and producers
Agricultural Products: Materials grown, farmed, produced, or wild harvested. Approved Product: A product that has been approved by the MM committee MM Committee: A Committee of citizens to organize and implement the market.
Conventional: This grower uses common agricultural practices and may or may not use chemical or synthetic fertilizers, or synthetic fungicides or pesticides or added hormones. Such growers may be a large or small grower.
MM Liaison: A representative of the MM Committee who acts as a contact person for vendors.
ManvelMarket Vendor: A vendor who sells at ManvelMarket.
Family: The producer’s spouse, significant other, parents, children, cousins, aunts or uncles.
Inclement Weather: Sustained winds over 20MPH, lightning, hail, etc. As a result of inclement weather we may cancel the market, delay the start, or call the market early. At any point if a vendor feels unsafe, the vendor may sit in their car, seek shelter, or leave the market (if it is safe to do so). We encourage vendors to prioritize their personal safety.
Local Product: Any product grown or produced within 180 miles of ManvelMarket.
Majority Local Standard: A standard for Prepared Food Products which requires using locally grown, seasonal agricultural products whenever possible; 51% of ingredients (by weight) in Value-Added products (including food and non-food products that CAN be sourced locally) MUST be procured from a farm whose produce meets the “Local Product” definition above.
Naturally Grown: This grower practices organic principles of soil enrichment and are certified by a collection of peers involved with The use of synthetic fertilizers or synthetic fungicides, pesticides or added hormones is prohibit item. Certified Naturally Grown farmers reflect a commitment to work within the natural biological cycles that are necessary for a truly sustainable farming system- a system that works in harmony with micro-organisms, soil flora and fauna, plants and animals, to maintain and increase the long-term fertility of soil, leaving it even more vibrant and alive for the next generation of farmers.
Organic: This grower practices strict organic principles of soil enrichment and pest control and is certified either by the state or a third party certification firm that has been approved by the MM Committee. Organic growers may use natural fertilizers, or synthetic fungicides or pesticides allowed by the law when a natural alternative in not available. Organic ValueAdded vendors must utilize only certified organic ingredients and follow organic labeling requirements.
Prepared Food Products: food and drink prepared in accordance with local, county, state, and federal regulations (either on-site or off-site) by chefs, bakers, confectioners, and beverage makers, and sold by these producers at the market. Producer: the farmer or grower of any raw agricultural product or the person who produces or makes any Value-Added product.
Producer Cooperative: a legally incorporated collaboration of producers or growers who market their produce or agricultural products collectively.
Value-Added Vendor: a vendor who produces food and other products that are
derived from agricultural products.
Vendor: a seller at the market.
Value-Added Product: an agricultural product that is processed to enhance the product for the customer and also results in a higher net worth. The item may be edible, such as jelly or pickles, or it may be inedible, such as a wreath from dried okra pods.
Sustainable: growers using the Sustainable label pledge to use primarily organic practices; however, the term Organic is not used on signage since they are not certified. MM advises consumers to ask these growers any questions they might have about their production practices, since it is hard to know how closely organic principles are followed. These products and practices may include supplemental, non-medicated, conventional feed with no growth hormones. Non- GMO feeds are desirable, but not a requirement. Conventional seeds may be used by producers who grow their own feed. Antibiotics may be used for emergency and sick animal care only. Animals must have daily access to pasture and shelter and must be able to express themselves.
Who may sell and participate at the markets is determined by the MM Committee as explained below.
A. Farmers, producers’ cooperatives, growers and producers of agricultural products grown or produced within 200 miles of ManvelMarket providing:
1. a vendor application has been submitted to and approved by the MM Committee
2. They are growing or producing their own local product; no re-selling is permitted unless approved in advance by the MM Committee.
3. They hold all required permits, licenses, and insurance policies necessary for their business operation.
4. They sign the Indemnity Agreement, and the Participation Agreement included in the vendor application.
5. They pay the monthly vendor fee.
B. Value-Added Vendors, who may or may not be growing the ingredients but who obtain and process ingredients to produce items within 200 miles of ManvelMarket may sell their products at the market, providing:
1. Priority will be given to those who comply with The Majority Local Standard (see Definitions).
C. Non-Profit Groups: non-profit groups may participate at the market as space permits. Nonprofits who are accepted to participate in the market are identified by criteria determined by the MM Committee. Such groups may set up information- only tables free of charge upon approval of Committee. MM does not group with any non-profits deemed controversial by the MM committee.
A. Agricultural products grown or produced by the seller, including but not limited to:
1. vegetables
2. fruits, nuts, berries
3. ornamental plants and flowers
4. eggs
5. NO milk and cheese
6. Meat and poultry
7. Seafood, either farm-raised or wild-caught
8. Honey
9. Edible plants and plant starters. Must be non-invasive
B. Value-Added products produced by the seller, including but not limited to:
1. prepared foods
2. jams and jellies
3. pickles, vinegars, salsas
4. spices, seasoning mixes, sauces 5. dried flower arrangements 6. baked goods
7. herbal lotions, soaps, teas, etc.
All vendors must comply with all applicable city, county, state, and federal health regulations always. It is incumbent upon the seller to be aware of these regulations.
A. The market will operate year-round, rain or shine. See Inclement Weather definition. Market times will be established by the MM Committee.
B. Vendors must sign an Indemnity Agreement and Participation Agreement.
C. The market will operate at Croix Park in Manvel on the first Saturday of every month.
D. A stall is a selling area 10 feet wide and 10 feet deep. The MM Committee may permit a vendor to occupy and pay for more than one stall if the amount of product brought justifies it and if the market can accommodate it. Requests for additional stall space must be made in advance.
E. Stalls will be assigned by the MM Committee based on the best interests of the markets, as well as criteria identified by the MM Committee. While vendors may have a customary location, this location is subject to change. The MM Committee will consider the various needs of vendors and accommodate them to the extent possible, particularly for space to park a truck containing backup merchandise
F. While operating at the market, vendors must follow all local, county, state, and federal regulations for handling, selling and distributing food.
G. Vendors must pay a monthly fee, due to MM within three days of receiving invoice. Invoices will be sent out around two weeks before market date. Each additional stall incurs an additional fee. Fees vary based on the type of vendor and according to location (i.e. indoor/outdoor when applicable).
H. Vendors will determine their pricing for their products.
I. Vendors must always represent their products in an honest and non-deceptive manner, both in written form on signs and in oral form during conversation.
J. All items sold or labeled as organic must meet the requirements of the National Organic Program. Only certified organic growers may display signs using the word "organic". If a vendor offers both organic and non-organic items in the same stall, individual signs should make it clear which items are organic and which are not.
K. Prepared, packaged foods should be labeled with the name of the product, producer's name and address, a list of all the ingredients, with the highest proportion of ingredients listed first in descending order and quantity or weight of contents as required by the State of Texas. Cottage food should be labeled according to cottage food law.
L. Each vendor must display a large sign or banner identifying their farm or business name.
M. No re-selling is permitted unless prior approval is obtained
N. Vendors must keep their stall and their equipment in a clean, safe, and hazard- free condition. At the end of the market, each vendor must leave their selling area clean, with all trash and debris removed. Vendors must haul their own trash away to an off-site location at the end of each market.
O. Vendors must conduct themselves in a courteous and professional manner.
Vendors must treat all customers and volunteers of the market, and fellow vendors
with respect always.
P. No loud or aggressive promotion is permitted. Radios or stereos are prohibited. Q. No smoking is permitted on the grounds of the market. No sale of alcoholic beverages is permitted at the market. No consumption of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs is allowed at the market. Firearms are prohibited.
R. Vendors must be set up, and vehicles must be removed from the market area at least thirty minutes prior to the start of the market, absolutely no later than 8:30 am. Vendor vehicles may not be operated within the market space before 8:30a.m.. S. Vendors must remain set up until the close of market, even if they have sold out.
T. Vendors may not let their vehicles idle during market hours unless required to power mechanical refrigeration.
U. Vendors are to park in the designated vendor parking area, furthest from the market in the soccer field. Cars are to be moved no later than 9:30 am. Once market is over cars can be moved to help loading process.
V. The market retains the right to terminate the market/vendor relationship for any reason.
W. Vendors must give the MM Committee liaison 2 weeks’ notice if they are unable to be at the market. Failure to do so will terminate vendors participation in market after two repeated offenses.
X. No storage space for vendors is available at the market site.
Y. Vendors should be prepared for all kinds of weather. Market will remain outdoors unless otherwise notified. In the event of inclement weather, a notice of cancellation will be sent out as soon as possible.
Z. Vendors may not slander, impugn, or otherwise defame the MM or City of Manvel name and reputation, verbally, written, or electronically. MM holds a zero-tolerance policy toward any of the actions and holds the right to revoke vendor participation in the market.
A1. Pre-approval is required for vendors who need generators. If one is approved, it must be a silent generator.
ManvelMarket Indemnity Agreement
The vendor shall indemnify, keep and hold harmless ManvelMarket, The City of Manvel and all other agencies that ManvelMarket has agreements with, from and against any and all claims and demands resulting from vendor’s acts and omissions, whether for injuries to persons, or loss of life, or damage to property, on or off market premises, arising out of the se of occupancy of the market premises by vendor, and shall defend at vendor’s own expense and any actions brought against ManvelMarket, The City of Manvel and any other organizations or persons with which ManvelMarket has a contractual agreement.